Learn How We Can Help You Today
KM Law's partners and consultants are the best in the business and our team are as diverse as we are knowledgeable. We give you the right advice from a simple Road Traffic offence to representing you or your family at a Fatal Accident Inquiry. Read on to learn more about all our Services and call us today. Your case is important to us.

Proven Success
KM Law have a wealth of experience in the field of criminal law. Our dynamic team are used to offering the same dedicated, detailed service to clients involved in relatively small cases to the most grave – from Legal Aid to privately funded clients. This includes charges of assault, robbery, murder, drug offences and indeed the whole range of potential criminal charges. All clients receive the best possible legal advice and, if needed, representation in court.
Mr McShane and Mr Kavanagh are renowned among the QCs and advocates they work with for their meticulous and painstaking preparation work, meaning every client gets the best possible service.

Justice for You
A complicated area of numerous acts, statutory instruments and local government legislation, Road Traffic cases can be daunting for clients. We strive to assist and make your case easy to understand.
Where necessary we instruct the best experts in the business to help. When required we will undertake a scene (locus) reconstruction.
We know your licence is important to you. We make it important to us.
Even if you have contravened a Road Traffic Act you might have more options than you think. A simple speeding fine can have a huge impact on a person’s job, earnings and future prospects, so it’s important to get the right legal advice.
We can assist you with all Road Traffic offences including:
...and a whole lot more. Indeed, we can assist with any traffic offence. Take the first step to saving your licence...speak to KM Law.

Leaders in the field
Mr Kavanagh and Mr McShane were at the forefront of fighting cases brought to court under the controversial Offensive Behaviour at Football Act. Their success rate has been the best in the profession.
They have represented various members of more than 20 registered supporters groups at Celtic, as well as Rangers fans and other Scottish football fans, over charges arising from this Act.
Out of 50 cases that the pair have taken to trial, they have secured acquittals in over 98% of cases.
Mr Kavanagh also gave evidence in 2017 to the Scottish Parliament committe that was reviewing objections to the Act and it was repealed in early 2018. Since then football fans have still been charged with offences while attending matches. KM Law is any Scottish fan's best form of defence.

Money-Laundering case experts
Financially-motivated, non-violent crimes. Including all white-collar crimes: fraud, bribery, embezzlement, cybercrime,
copyright infringement, money-laundering, identity theft and forgery.
Our most high-profile case to date in this area is the Craig Whyte trial. The former Rangers owner was acquitted of fraud in 2017 after a six-week hearing. Some 400,000 pages had to be perused and committed to memory to enable proper representation. Our client was also charged with financial assistance under the Companies Act.
KM Law are the ONLY firm in the UK to have defended a case at trial for this.
We have extensive experience in courts defending people and businesses charged with such crimes.

Compliance, investigations, enforcement
This is a hugely complex area for organisations and individuals. KM Law can offer advice on all aspects of regulatory compliance, investigations,  adjudication hearings and enforcement actions. We have acted in cases involving the General Medical Council (GMC),  Nursing & Midwifery Council (NMC), Royal Pharmaceutical Society and others. We can advise you in any work-related investigation and represent you at disciplinary hearings. This area of the law can also extend to Corporate Crime, which can be an expensive and damaging business if an offence results in a conviction. Charges could range from insider trading, illegal arms dealing and cybercrime to human trafficking, illegal working and the new offence of failing to prevent tax evasion.

High-profile cases
Mr McShane has almost unparalleled experience in representing people requiring assistance under the Proceeds of Crime Act. He has fought some of the highest profile cases brought by the Crown under this legislation. One case involved a sum of £38million – the biggest sum ever attempted to be seized by the authorities in Scotland. In this area, KM Law has handled cases involving charges of money-laundering, properties bought with drug money and living off immoral earnings.

Representing Families Across Scotland
A Fatal Accident Inquiry (FAI) is held following a death in the workplace or a sudden death in cases which give rise to reasonable suspicion. Often families of the victims need legal representation so that questions they have are answered.
We are aware that losing a loved one is a harrowing and stressful experience. When instructed by families of people that have died we ensure our clients are treated with compassion and professionalism at all times. We aim to be sensitive to your needs and try and make the long journey, from the announcement there is to be an Inquiry through to the commencement of one, as painless as possible. We make ourselves available at all times.
The best time to instruct us is immediately after the "accident."
"Paul was the only one I trusted throughout this process," said Ms A, who lost members of her family in a tragedy.
KM Law have significant experience and can be of assistance.
Paul Kavanagh represented the relatives of 3 people from the same family killed in the Glasgow bin lorry tragedy of 2014 at an FAI.
He also led the move to take a private prosecution against the bin lorry driver.
Currently, KM Law are retained by families of several victims killed by the police helicopter that crashed on the Clutha bar in Glasgow in 2013. An FAI is still to be held. We are also instructed in numerous other Inquiries.

Advice For Businesses
With more than 170 front-line inspectors, the Health & Safety Executive are very active so it’s likely, if you run a business, you will get a routine inspection at some time. Or you may find they are investigating a specific complaint against your company. Health and Safety law is the same across the UK but there is a major difference in how crime is prosecuted in Scotland. HSE inspectors make recommendations on offences to the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service, who decide whether or not to institute criminal proceedings in the public interest.
Prior to any prosecution we can assist in initial interviews with HSE officers. We have been persuasive in other cases ensuring no prosecution takes place. In the event of a prosecution, however, KM Law can help provide the right advice and representation.

Years of Experience
Nobody can predict the future. Not even us! Human beings have human weaknesses and even an uncharacteristic slip of the tongue can set off an enormous fire storm. It could have serious consequences for you as an individual or for your business.
We can handle it for you. We know who to go to. We know what to say. In the time it takes some outfits to track down the right person and begin to find a direct line, we'll have spoken to them and probably found a solution.
Our crisis management expert Bob Bird has spent years as a top flight journalist and knows all the right people in the media.
KM Law's unique partnership with Mr Bird means also that any potential legal issues that might be involved in your crisis can be addressed seamlessly at the same time.